​​​​​​​Frequently Asked Questions:

What does the admissions process include?

Please contact us to start your journey to join Team HSK!  We ask that you complete admission forms that acknowledge our policies, submit a copy of your insurance card, and email your certificate of completion for the DCFS Mandated Reporter child safety online class.  When you are admitted, you can be added to our online communities on FaceBook and/or Band as well as our mailing list.  

How do I register?

Registration priority:  Members that teach, all current members, then new members.  See the Class Options or our event calendar for registration dates.  

Registration is online at https://www.homeschool-life.com/IL/hsk/ .    

Registrations are processed in the order they are received on a first come, first serve basis. 


How much does it cost to join the Friday Co-op?
The Family Membership Fee (one fee per family)  + the class cost for each student (each student, each class) = $ total.

Occasionally, some classes require parents to purchase their own curriculum.  See the Class Options for details.
Family Membership Fee and Class Fees are both Non-Refundable.  There are NO Refunds. 

What is required for member participation?

1.  Stay on-site with your children.
2.  Either:  Teach 1 class each week.....OR.....Help in 2 classes....Each Week.
3.  Help with Tasks.  

Parents teach their own children all mandatory subjects at home, then join us on Fridays for elective and group classes.  Some of the high school level classes may count towards your home accreditation.  This is not a drop-off program.  

What are Tasks?

Tasks are jobs that help our co-op.  Tasks are claimed when you register.  Examples include the Yearbook team helper, Hot Lunch Manager, Set up or take down one room, and door greeters.  Contact us for a complete list.   


What is non-refundable?
The Family Membership and All Class Fees are non-refundable.  There are NO refunds.  

How many co-op meetings are there per semester?
We meet on Fridays for 10-weeks in fall, 4-weeks in winter, and 10-weeks in spring for a total of 24 weeks.  Some classes may require additional meetings specified on the Class Options.  

There are also field trips, volunteer opportunities, curriculum nights, family events, adult nights out, and date nights (all optional and fun)!

Can I register for just one class?

No, you must register for a minimum of 2 class hours.  Members are asked to teach one class hour every week or help in two class hours every week.  All members must fulfill their volunteer obligations.    

Can I leave my kids here while I run to pick up coffee?

Sorry, no.  A parent must be present in the building with their children at all times.  Parents are responsible for the health and supervision of your own children.

You are welcome to leave during lunch, but you must take all of your children with you.

I babysit someone else's child.  Can I bring that child?  

No, sorry!  Only your own children can attend HSK with you for insurance purposes.

Can you help me find my class?

Part of your admissions process includes reading the HSK Handbook which lists policies, details to help you feel comfortable, helpful tips for your volunteering role, and board member contact information.  Included in the Handbook is a facility map complete with fire exits.    During your admissions process, we ask that you participate in the Visitor Half-Day where your children can participate in classes.  Our members are very helpful and are happy to offer guidance.  In addition, we host an optional Fall Orientation Day to allow your children to find their classes as well as allow the teachers to gather their materials to prepare for the first day.       

What's your name again?

Homeschool Kingdom offers park days, field trips, and some adult fun nights throughout the year.  Summer is a great time to meet your new group of friends at one of our activities.  We would love to have you join us at our next event.  Please contact us for more details.    

What is the statement of faith?

We are a Christian group.  You should expect prayer, occasional Christian class projects, class discussion from a Christian perspective, and sharing of Christian homeschool curriculum materials.  All members, Board of Directors, and Independent Instructors are asked to sign our Statement of Faith.  We ask that they personally believe one or more of the statements and teach in a manner consistent with those beliefs.  Our statement of faith includes the Illinois Christian Home Educators (www.ICHE.org) statement of faith, the Apostles’ Creed, and the National Association of Evangelicals Statement of Faith.   

Do I need a teaching degree to be a volunteer parent-teacher?
No, you do not need a teaching degree for a parent-led class.  We mirror the current IL laws.  They do not require you to have a teaching degree to teach your child at home and neither do we. 

Can Dads attend?

Yes!  We love to have dads attend the semester, visit when possible, or even volunteer to lead a class!  We have many dads that are able to attend on a regular basis.

What is the dress code? 

There are no uniforms.  You may dress in casual, business-casual, or exercise clothes.  If you are not sure if an item is appropriate, feel free to ask.

Is my child too sick to attend HSK?

Please stay home if you or your child has had a fever or other symptoms in the last 24 hours, if you currently have colored nasal mucus, or if you've had lice in the last 14 days.

If someone appears possibly contagious, we reserve the right to ask you to leave for the day. 

How does my child know it's time for Piano, Voice, Guitar, Ukulele, or other private instruction*?

It is the parent's responsibility to keep track of time and maintain their children's appointments.  The independent instructor* classes are more costly and we want you to get your full value.  The instructors* will remain in the room until your child arrives.  It is the parent's responsibility to bring the student to the instructor* on time.  No extra time will be given in addition to the allotted time.  It is not the job of Homeschool Kingdom to remind students or parents of the schedule.

Can I be denied membership?

Yes, the HSK Board reserves the right to deny membership to anyone for any reason.  We also reserve the right to expel members at any time.  No refunds will be issued for revoked memberships.  

What type of organization is this?
Homeschool Kingdom is a Not-for-Profit Organization.  This means we are legally not allowed to profit from this group.  We are not a 501c3, so we are not able to give you receipts for tax exempt donations.  None of the board members take a salary.  On the contrary, the Board is so invested with time and finances that our tuition is paid in advance and we regularly donate to cover our financial obligations.  Any excess funds are reinvested into our organization for services and supplies.  We keep our prices as low as possible for our members.  Please let us know if you would like to see our financial records at any time.  

What's the difference between Independent Instructor* and Parent-Led?
Here are the different "groupings" of classes:

Independent Instructor Classes or Private Lessons:

These are classes taught by an independent consultant who is an expert in their field.  They are willing to come on-site to provide instruction in exchange for payment.  They do not have children enrolled in HSK.  They are not volunteers.

HSK offers Independent Instructors* for karate, ballet dance, robotics, programming, engineering, Spanish, guitar, voice, piano, gym, cooking, science, sewing.  

Homeschool Kingdom asks the Independent Instructors* to sign our Statement of Faith.

If the Independent Instructors* are not able to attend a class, they refund the fees for the day missed.  In this situation, students will be given an alternate activity during their time at HSK.

Parent-Led Classes:

These are classes taught by parents in the group who are volunteering to teach a class to a group of children.  This is essential for the co-operative to be able to offer a wide range of classes for everyone.  The parent teachers and helpers are not paid.  This helps keep the cost low for everyone. Parent-teachers do not have to be experts-- it just takes a willing heart and a positive attitude!

We require members to volunteer either:  helping 2 class hours every week   OR  teaching 1 class hour every week. 

Majority of our classes are Parent-Led.  We depend on your help to make this group function.  Parents that teach have the benefit of just volunteering one class hour each week and registering early.   

The HSK Board will find substitutes for all parent volunteer teachers and helpers.  Please notify the board asap if you will be absent.

Free Nursery:

This is actually a "parent-led class" and counts toward the 2 class hours that members are asked to volunteer.  If you have children in this age group, you might enjoy volunteering for the free nursery but you may also volunteer elsewhere.  There is no cost since this is included with the base family membership fee.

​​​*All Independent Instructors and babysitters are independent contractors.  Homeschool Kingdom does not have any employees.